Peace, Harmony & Silencing The Impulses

Let’s face it, we live in a very fast-paced world. Los Angeles in particular feels like it moves a mile a minute and seems to thrive upon the concept of instant gratification. This makes it nearly impossible to sometimes find peace, harmony and a way of silencing the impulses. Now of course there is nothing with living a fast-paced life, but it can certainly spiral out of control if not balanced with feelings of tranquility and patience. One particular side effect of the “mile a minute” lifestyle is the increase of impulse control issues. Though we may not realize it, feelings like these may be out of our control (literally a component of Impulse Control Disorder, which is a clinical mental health issue). And with a lack of impulse control, comes the doorway to addiction and an unhealthy existence. Peace, Harmony & Silencing The Impulses

Slowing Down and Healing

At Iris Healing®, we believe in slowing down the lifestyle a little bit. Having the word “Healing” in our name signifies an escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday Los Angeles. Regaining control of your impulses, learning to meditate, allowing for quiet moments throughout the day…these are all parts of our healing regimen and (in our opinion) absolutely essential when one has to conquer an addiction. Slowing down and finding peace and harmony in your life is essential for overcoming addiction and many mental health conditions.

Impulse Control Disorder

First off, let’s dive a little bit into the actual Impulse Control Disorder diagnosis. Don’t let the stereotypes get into your head. Someone who is dealing with this issue doesn’t have to be a rule breaker or a “wild” personality that cannot function in society. There are many much subtler tendencies, such as skin picking, hair pulling (both anxiety related), sexual promiscuity, constant online shopping…the list goes on. And yes, the temptation to use substances for coping easily factors in as well. Being able to resist a drink or a “hit” becomes much more difficult. Because of that, you may find yourself physically dependent to a substance.


It is important to point out another dangerous addiction that is associated with Impulse Control Disorder. Gambling (which we also treat) is a very common component of this issue. Driving to out of the way casinos and poker games, actively betting on multiple sports events, even simple obsessions with the Powerball Lottery are symptoms of this disorder and tend to go hand-in-hand with drug and alcohol abuse. We urge anyone who even thinks they may be having trouble with an impulse (or a substance for that matter) to do a self-evaluation. As we mentioned before, this is a much more common occurrence than people think, with over 8 million Americans currently suffering from addiction and mental health issues.

Impulse Control Can Be Treated and Managed

Now the good news. All of this is treatable and manageable and Iris Healing® specializes in this type of treatment and healing. We put a heavy emphasis on dual diagnosis treatment, which means addressing much more than an actual addiction itself. Understanding the emotional and mental components of the dependency are key to reaching success. We also make a conscious effort to remove the trappings of a fast-paced “instant gratification” environment. With daily meditations, healing therapies and tranquil living spaces, we constantly push peace and harmony to the forefront. You would be amazed at the true impact a serene recovery experience can have, particularly if impulsive habits have been plaguing your life. We invite to take the first step of the journey, by contacting Iris Healing® at (844)663-4747. Let us be the ones to help bring hope and healing back into your life.