Iris HealingĀ® Retreat, Woodland Hills, CA

Is TMS Effective for Parkinsonā€™s?

When you have a loved one thatā€™s suffering from Parkinsonā€™s, you want to help them in whatever way you can.

TMS for Parkinsonā€™s

Article Contents

What is Parkinsonā€™s Disease?

Many people know what Parkinsonā€™s disease is in terms of its appearance in a person, but they donā€™t know much more than that. Parkinsonā€™s disease is a progressive nervous system disorder. It affects a personā€™s movement, specifically in their motor control. There are a number of different medical options available for the treatment of Parkinsonā€™s disease. One that you may come across isĀ TMS. To learn more about TMS for Parkinsonā€™s, keep reading.

Now, you may see Parkinsonā€™s being represented as common tremors. However, it can have the opposite effect on the body as well. Parkinsonā€™s has been known to cause issues with stiffness and slowing of movements.

The Effects of Parkinsonā€™s Disease

The disease is caused by the neurons in the brain breaking down over time. This breakdown eventually leads to the cells dying. Without the cells being healthy or present, the electrical signals sent from the brain to the nerves in the body are interrupted. Often, the loss of neurons in the brain is caused by a dopamine deficiency.1

The roots of the disease are varied, but for the most part, Parkinsonā€™s seems to be genetic. Genetic markers have been identified, and gene mutations can run in families. However, the root is still difficult to find. Parkinsonā€™s can be traced back to environmental triggers in rare cases.

The Progression of Parkinsonā€™s Disease

Parkinsonā€™s, as discussed previously, is most easily described by the motor function issues it causes. The inability to control movement is an obvious symptom, but the converse is less identifiable. This matter can make the progression of the disease difficult to observe. In general, however, it can be described in three stages.2

  • Mild Stage: The mild stage is the earliest stage of Parkinsonā€™s disease. It occurs from the inception of the disease up to about year three, depending on your case. Common symptoms are being unable to swing arms freely while walking, making facial expressions, and tremors or stiffness in a single appendage.
  • Moderate Stage: The middle stage of Parkinsonā€™s, occurring from about year three to year seven. Control of the voice starts to diminish, swallowing may feel difficult, and movement becomes slower overall.
  • Advanced Stage: This is the last stage of Parkinsonā€™s. Some people never reach this stage. The serious disabilities have set in by this point, and living alone is impossible. Many patients end up limited to a wheelchair or a bed, and posture is severely affected.

It should be noted that the year markers are general, and the progression of the disease is amplified with age. The older the patient, the faster the timeline, in most cases.

Traditional Treatment Methods

For the most part, Parkinsonā€™s disease treatments are limited to just a few options. Patients are given medications that may help and are given occupational therapy to improve the motor function they have left. Others also undergo a surgical procedure called deep brain stimulation, or DBS, though results arenā€™t guaranteed, making it feel risky at times.3

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)

One of the newer methods of treatment being used for Parkinsonā€™s is TMS or transcranial magnetic stimulation. TMS is a non-invasive form of brain stimulation, making it similar to DBS, but without the surgical requirements.

TMS works by targeting a specific area of the brain with a changing magnetic field. As the magnetic field is changed, the electric current in the specified area of the brain is altered through electromagnetic induction. It is through these changes that the therapy is used. It helps to stimulate areas of the brain that need it, helping to rejuvenate it.

Is TMS Effective for Parkinsonā€™s?

When you are looking for a solution for Parkinsonā€™s, you are likely to come across TMS as one of the available treatments. Studies have shown that TMS is an effective treatment for the symptoms of Parkinsonā€™s. It can improve the motor functions that Parkinsonā€™s affects, as well as the mood-altering symptoms that come with the disease. It also reduces the negative side effects and risks seen in traditional treatments.4

How TMS Helps

One of the biggest issues that come with Parkinsonā€™s is the toll it takes on mental health. Patients suffer from comorbid depression, making life seem bleak at times. TMS can help treat depression in individuals with Parkinsonā€™s, reducing the loss of quality of life.

When it comes to the physical symptoms, TMS for Parkinsonā€™s is very effective. It prolongs the cortical silent period, which helps to reduce the unwanted and involuntary motion seen in tremors. It also improves a patientā€™s axial score, which relates to the activities for daily living. An improved axial score means improved quality of life.

Benefits of RTMS for Individuals with Parkinson's

TMS for Parkinsonā€™s
When youā€™re looking for the best treatment for Parkinsonā€™s, itā€™s easy to see why people are moving towards RTMS. It comes with several benefits for patients with the disease.

  • Motor Benefits: Patients see increased motor functions after undergoing TMS treatments.
  • Cognitive Benefits: TMS reduces the likelihood of comorbid depression and other mental health disorders.
  • Non-Invasive: TMS doesnā€™t require any invasive surgeries to be administered to patients.
  • Minimal to No Side Effects: The only side effects seen through TMS are the occasional headache. For the most part, TMS parameters are dialed in during the first appointment, reducing the possibility of side effects drastically.

TMS Therapy for Parkinsonā€™s Disease at Iris HealingĀ®

If you or a loved one is suffering from Parkinsonā€™s disease, there are alternative options to the traditional treatments used. Perhaps the best of them is TMS therapy. To learn more about TMS therapy, consider setting up an appointment with us at Iris HealingĀ®. We are sure that you will find TMS to be the best option available, and our team would be happy to help guide you through the process. Get in touch with us today to start the healing process.

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