Iris HealingĀ® Retreat, Woodland Hills, CA

Elevated Mental Health Services at Iris Healing

Explore Iris Healing's comprehensive approach to providing expert and evidence-based mental health services in this informative article.

mental health services

Article Contents

What Is Mental Health?

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines mental health as a state of well-being that encompasses the following:1

  • Where an individual realizes their abilities
  • Where they can cope with the everyday stresses of life
  • Where they can work productively and fruitfully
  • And where the individual can contribute to their community
Mental health is an essential component of overall health. It influences our thoughts, emotions, and actions and our ability to handle stress, relate to others, and make decisions.
Mental health encompasses several key areas. These include the following:

Emotional Well-Being

Emotional well-being pertains to how well you can handle and express your emotions. It involves the ability to control emotions and cope with life’s challenges. It also refers to the ability to navigate through various social situations.

Psychological Well-Being

Psychological well-being relates to how well your mind is functioning. It considers elements such as self-acceptance, personal growth, and autonomy. It also includes purpose in life, environmental knowledge, and positive relations with others.

Social Well-Being

Social well-being is how well you get along with others and how you work in social situations. It also refers to your ability to build and maintain healthy relationships.Ā 

Social connections are a significant factor in mental health. This is because isolation and loneliness can lead to mental health problems.

Mental Health Services?

Mental health services are essential for promoting mental well-being, providing effective treatment, reducing stigma, and improving the overall quality of life.
They play a crucial role in fostering a healthier and more inclusive society where individuals can seek help without fear of judgment and receive the support they need to lead fulfilling lives.

What are Mental Health Services?

Mental health services refer to professional resources and support systems designed to promote mental well-being, prevent mental health issues, and provide treatment and care for individuals experiencing mental health challenges.

What to Expect From This Article

In this article, we will look at what mental health is and the symptoms of positive mental health. We will then examine the signs of poor mental health and the factors that contribute to mental health.Ā 

We will also conduct an in-depth review of the mental health services that Iris Healing offers and how they can help you or your loved one heal.

Factors that Influence Mental Health

A complex interplay of various factors influences mental health. These factors can be biological, psychological, social, and environmental.
Some factors that contribute to mental health include:

Biological Factors

Genetics and neurobiology play a significant role in mental health. A family history of mental health disorders can increase the risk of developing similar conditions.Ā 

Imbalances in neurotransmitters and brain chemistry can also influence an individualā€™s mood and emotions.

Psychological Factors

Individual personality traits, coping mechanisms, and cognitive patterns can impact mental health.Ā 

Positive psychological factors, such as resilience, self-esteem, and a sense of purpose, contribute to better mental well-being.Ā 

However, negative factors, like low self-esteem and depressive thoughts, can worsen mental health.

Life Experiences

Traumatic experiences or other adverse life events can affect mental health. Conversely, positive life experiences, support, and nurturing environments can promote mental well-being.

Social Support

Strong social connections and supportive relationships with family, friends, or community can improve mental health. Social isolation and loneliness, on the other hand, can negatively impact mental well-being.

Environmental Factors

Socioeconomic status, resource access, and living conditions can influence mental health outcomes.Ā 

Exposure to environmental stressors, such as violence, poverty, or discrimination, can contribute to mental health challenges.

Physical Health

There is a bidirectional relationship between physical and mental health. Physical illnesses or chronic conditions can affect mental well-being. Adopting a healthy lifestyle, including exercise and proper nutrition, can positively impact mental health.

Substance Use and Misuse

Misusing substances like drugs or alcohol can lead to mental health issues or exacerbate existing conditions. Substance abuse can alter brain chemistry and contribute to mood disorders.

Hormonal Changes

Hormonal fluctuations during various life stages, such as puberty, pregnancy, or menopause, can influence mental health in some individuals.

Access to Mental Health Services

The availability and accessibility of mental health services and resources can significantly impact mental health outcomes. Access to timely and appropriate care can effectively prevent or treat mental health conditions.

Cultural and Societal Factors

Cultural norms, beliefs, and societal attitudes toward mental health can influence how individuals perceive and seek help for mental health challenges.

Indicators Of Positive Mental Health

Positive mental health, or mental well-being, is more than simply the absence of mental illness. It’s integral to our overall health, contributing to resilience, productivity, and life satisfaction.
Note that positive mental health doesn’t mean a person won’t face emotional challenges or hardships. Instead, it equips people with the tools to handle those situations effectively. It also helps them recover from setbacks and lead a fulfilling, balanced life.
Here are several key indicators of positive mental health:


This involves a positive evaluation of oneself and one’s past life. People with good mental health accept who they are, warts and all. They understand their strengths and weaknesses and have a positive self-concept.

Personal Growth

Personal growth is the sense of continued development as a person. Mentally healthy people see themselves as continually growing and evolving. They are open to new experiences and understand they can learn from these experiences.

Purpose in Life

People with positive mental health have a clear sense of purpose and direction. They set meaningful goals and demonstrate an understanding of their motivation to achieve them.

Positive Relations with Others

This is the ability to form satisfying, trusting relationships with other people. It also includes having empathy for others and having strong social connections. Positive relationships contribute significantly to mental well-being.

Environmental Mastery

This is the competence to manage one’s life and surrounding environment. This is concerning meeting oneā€™s personal needs.Ā 

People with good mental health feel in control of their day-to-day situations. This includes their work and home environments.


This refers to personal independence and the regulation of one’s behavior. People with positive mental health see themselves as self-determining.Ā 

They can resist social pressures to think and act in conforming ways, instead acting in ways that align with their core values, beliefs, and goals.


Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties and adapt to adversity. It also refers to an ability to cope with life’s stresses.Ā 

A resilient individual doesn’t avoid stress. Instead, they develop strategies to manage it effectively.


People with good mental health trust their abilities and decisions. They generally have a favorable view of themselves and their abilities.2


This is the tendency to take the most hopeful and cheerful view of matters and to expect the best outcome.Ā 

Optimistic people focus on the positive aspects of situations, which can help reduce the impact of stress on their mental health.


This refers to a healthy balance between work life, personal life, relaxation, physical activity, and social activities. People with positive mental health know the importance of setting boundaries to maintain this balance.

Indicators of Poor Mental Health

Poor mental health is often a precursor to mental illnesses. This includes diseases like depression, anxiety disorders, and other conditions. Poor mental health is marked by a variety of symptoms.
These symptoms highlight the need for mental health services designed to address and manage these issues. If you or someone you know is experiencing these symptoms, consider contacting mental health services. These services provide support, treatment, and tools to improve mental well-being, ultimately leading to a healthier, more fulfilling life.
Here are some key symptoms of poor mental health:3

Persistent Sadness or Low Mood

Persistent sadness is often a sign of depression. If this state continues for an extended period, mental health services may be needed to provide professional intervention.

Excessive Fears or Worries

These are common indicators of anxiety disorders. Mental health services are especially beneficial in managing these symptoms and teaching coping mechanisms.

Extreme Mood Changes

Significant mood swings can signify various conditions, including bipolar disorder. Appropriate mental health services can provide medication management and therapy to stabilize mood.

Difficulty Concentrating or Making Decisions

These symptoms can be associated with several mental health conditions. Common examples include depression and anxiety.

Changes in Sleep Patterns

Insomnia or excessive sleep can indicate poor mental health. Mental health services can offer strategies for better sleep hygiene. This is often a crucial step toward overall mental well-being.

Changes in Eating Habits

Overeating or loss of appetite can be symptomatic of mental health issues. Nutritional counseling is a component of many mental health services. It can provide guidance on healthy eating habits.

Physical Health Problems

Physical health problems can also be symptoms of poor mental health. Examples include chronic pain, stomach upset, and other unexplained physical problems.Ā 

Mental health services often involve an integrated approach. They acknowledge the mind-body connection in treatment plans.

Mental Health Services at Iris Healing

At Iris Healing, we offer a wide range of mental health services. Each one is designed to provide patients with optimal recovery experiences and comfort.Ā 

Some of the mental health services Iris Healing offers include the following:

Drug Detox

Our drug detox program offers a safe, medically supervised environment for individuals to manage withdrawal symptoms.Ā 

Our detox service comprehensively assesses each patient’s health status and substance use history.

Residential Treatment

Iris Healing offers exceptional residential treatment services. Here, patients live and receive treatment on-site in a supportive, structured environment.Ā 

This comprehensive program includes the following:

The goal is to create an environment that fosters recovery, personal growth, and healthy lifestyle changes.

Outpatient Programs

We offer outpatient programs for those who require continued support following residential treatment or those who need treatment that fits around other commitments.

These mental health services provide therapy and support in a less intensive format than residential treatment. This allows patients to maintain their daily routines while continuing their recovery process.


At Iris Healing, we use neurofeedback to help patients improve their brain function. This therapeutic intervention uses real-time displays of brain activity to teach self-regulation of brain functions. It assists in addressing a range of mental health conditions.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT is an evidence-based treatment approach that is a cornerstone of our mental health services.Ā 

It helps patients understand the link between their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Thus enabling them to break negative patterns and adopt healthier ones.4

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

Ā DBT at Iris Healing aims to help patients manage painful emotions and decrease relationship conflict.Ā 

It combines standard cognitive-behavioral techniques with mindfulness practices. It helps patients develop new skills to manage painful emotions. It also helps to reduce interpersonal conflict.

Relapse Prevention

Our relapse prevention programs equip patients with the tools and strategies to maintain long-term recovery. These services include the following:

  • Ongoing therapy
  • Support groups
  • Education about triggers and coping mechanisms

SMART Recovery

This is an alternative to traditional 12-step programs. Out SMART Recovery offers a science-based, self-empowering addiction recovery support system. It encourages people to find their path to recovery.

This is done using techniques designed to replace self-destructive behaviors with more constructive and positive ones.

Family Therapy

At Iris Healing, we recognize the impact of addiction on the whole family. So we offer family therapy as part of our mental health services.Ā 

This approach involves family members in the recovery process. It addresses the family dynamics that might contribute to addiction. It also fosters healing within the family system.

Motivational Interviewing

This counseling method helps to strengthen personal motivation for and commitment to a specific goal.Ā 

It helps patients resolve their ambivalent feelings to find the internal motivation they need to change their behavior.

Holistic Treatment Opportunities

In addition to traditional treatment modalities, our Iris Healing team believes that holistic treatments can compliment our evidence-based options and provide a whole-person approach to healing.Ā 

We offer:

  • Art therapy
  • Cupping
  • Hypnotherapy
  • Nutritional therapy
  • Sound bath meditation
  • Yoga
  • Spiritual direction
mental health services

Access Effective Mental Health Services at Iris Healing

Iris Healing is a boutique addiction treatment center in Woodland Hills, CA, committed to providing transformative healing. We specialize in addiction and dual diagnosis treatment.

Our team comprises clinicians with doctoral degrees experienced in offering various mental health services. We understand the importance of mental health and work diligently to help all individuals to improve their mental well-being.

Iris Healingā€™s Approach

Our approach is centered around the needs of our patients. We accompany you on every step of your journey toward recovery, providing comprehensive care that attends to your emotional, spiritual, and physical needs.Ā 

This integrated approach facilitates your transition from a life of addiction towards embracing the life you’ve always desired.

Holistic Recovery for Sustainable Wellness

Finding a mental health treatment center offering excellent mental health services can be challenging. This is primarily because there are lots of different mental health treatment centers. At Iris Healing, we offer a holistic recovery model designed to empower you to lead a fulfilled life that embraces emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.

Improve Your Mental Health Today

Find compassionate and quality mental health care with Iris Healing. Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive mental health services.

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