Understanding the Main Negotiation Tactics Used by Buyers

When you negotiate, you want to reach the best outcome for everyone. However, it is crucial to be aware of the most common negotiation tactics used by buyers in order you can thwart them effectively. They include framing, anchoring and the strategy of bogeymena.

Anchoring is a strategy of negotiation whereby the buyer determines a starting number or price for their bargaining range. Buyers employ this tactic to get sellers to accept an offer lower than. Buyers can also employ a bogey method, in which they bring up a problem that’s not as important to them, but expect you to give in on it to make a deal.

Making an emotional appeal or story, for example or a personal request, is a great way to influence the other party in a negotiation. If you’re negotiating for a salary, you may find it beneficial to tell a story about the hard work you’ve put into it and why you deserve the most prestigious pay. This can be particularly effective if you’re dealing with an authority figure for example, such as a manager or supervisor.

One of the most commonly used tactics used in negotiations is the positional bargaining, in which negotiators make and break off positions repeatedly. This tactic can backfire as negotiators become committed to their position and believe that giving up an aspect of a negotiation can mean losing face. To counter this, you must prepare ahead by determining what your minimum requirements are and knowing that you may need to compromise to reach a fair agreement.

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